Benefits Age Media Room

Welcome to Benefits Age Media Room where you will find the latest news.

  • January 2025 – How Businesses can Control Health Care Costs in 2025                                        The process can be complicated, which is why Tim Elenz, a benefitsage consultant based in Hoffman Estates, says it’s important to use a good broker………
  • October 2011 – Employee Benefits Advisor Brokers and PBMs are pulling together to reduce non-compliance

    I know there are a lot of companies now that have phone banks, and they’ll actually call people to remind them to take their shot if they’re a diabetic, or to take their medicine,” says Tim Elenz, CEO of Benefits Age, a brokerage in Chicago. “They’ll actually call your phone and remind you, ‘Hey, it’s two o’clock, time for your pill.'” He says that many patient behaviors are difficult to change, but simple solutions such as daily reminders may be all that’s needed to keep some patients on track. It’s Time To Improve Therapy Adherence

  • October 2011 – Employee Benefits Advisor

    It’s Time To Improve Therapy Adherence

  • “Universal” Insurance Application Takes Effect January 31, 2011 – CBS Chicago

    It’s about to get easier to save money on your health insurance. Beginning February 2, 2011, any health insurance carrier doing business in Illinois must accept a “universal application.” As CBS 2’s Dorothy Tucker reports, it will help consumers get the best deals. Tim Elenz, President of Benefits Age was interviewed by CBS Chicago. View the news video

  • October 2010 –

    …Employers and insurance experts cite looming health reform regulations that will restrict how much overhead expense can be taken out of premiums, creating an incentive to increase premiums now and add other fees on top. “They are getting ready, battening down the hatches,” says Tim Elenz, president of Benefits Age, an employee benefits consulting firm in Palatine. “They are taking advantage that they can now raise their rates.”Blue Cross draws scrutiny from feds, Illinois attorney general as it ratchets up health insurance rate

  • April 2010 –

    “In 2009, the average annual premium for family coverage in the Midwest was $13,498 vs. $4,834 for an individual. Trim the number of dependents your company supports, and your insurance costs will go down. To get working spouses to move themselves and the kids onto their company’s plan, offer $1,000 for each partner or child who leaves your plan, suggests Tim Elenz…”4 ways to cut your company’s health insurance costs

  • November 2009 –

    “It’s the first time in many years we’ve seen big blocks of our clients moving among different carriers,” says Tim Elenz, president of Benefits Age Inc. …”Health rate hikes to hammer Chicago biz

  • December 2007 –

    “Tim Elenz, president of Palatine-based employee benefits firm Benefits Age, calls UniCare the “sleeping giant” that got tangled up in a string of name changes. He said if Mr. Casey markets UniCare successfully, it could rise in …”A.M. Profile: UniCare’s New CEO

  • September 2007 – Human Resource Executive Online

    “Tim Elenz, president of Chicago-based Benefits Age, an employee-benefits consultancy, says HSAs can be effective, but that consumer education is required — and that success…”HSAs Fail to Appeal to Employees

  • August 2007 – DaytonDailyNews (HealthDayNews)

    “Tim Elenz, president of Benefits Age, a Palatine, Ill., insurance broker, strongly endorses the concept of giving people control of their own health-care dollars via HSAs. But he’s also big on encouraging folks to see the doctor when they need to….”Managing Your Health Savings Account

  • May 2007 – Crain’s Chicago Business

    “While Tim Elenz, president of employee benefits brokerage Benefits Age in Palatine, said the loss of Advocate’s mostly suburban network should have little impact on UnitedHealthcare’s central Chicago customers…”UnitedHealthcare of Illinois CEO

  • September 2005 – Forbes

    “Tim Elenz, president of Benefits Age, a Palatine, Ill., insurance broker, strongly endorses the concept of giving people control of their own health-care dollars via HSAs…” Managing Your Health Savings Account

  • August 2005 – Global Health News

    “An estimated 6 million health savings accounts will be opened by 2008, according to a report by Forrester Research Inc. So if you’re one of the early entrants, you may be wondering how best to manage that money. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are a tax-free vehicle for …”Managing Your Health Savings Account – Experts offer advice on how to get biggest bang for buck

  • March 2005 – Crain’s Chicago Business

    “Tim Elenz, president of Palatine-based Benefits Age Inc., is not your average insurance broker. He approves of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer’s crackdown on brokers and consultants, and he doesn’t hesitate to criticize the insurance industry.”…Cheaper benefits are out there, experts say

  • February 2005 – Insurance Digest

    Elenz & Associates, a leading provider of employee benefits packages for companies doing business in the Midwest, today unveiled their new corporate identity: Benefits Age. The new name and logo are effective immediately, and better reflect the insurance brokerage’s focus and future growth plans…Elenz & Associates Matures to Benefits Age

  • February 2005 – Business Insurance:

    Senior Editor Judy Greenwald sought out industry leaders Benefits Age, Aon, Hewitt Associates, Watson Wyatt Worldwide and PricewaterHouseCoopers to discuss the growing appeal of Health Savings Accounts. (Subscription and Registration Required.)…Elenz & Associates Matures to Benefits Age

  • January 18, 2005 – The HSA Insider

    Benefits Age Saves Client 42% with an HSA Employer was able to share the savings on their insurance premium with their employees and still ended up with a 42% savings….” PR Web: HSA Insider Daily Report

  • January 13, 2005 – National Underwriter Life & Health

    Elenz & Associates, Palatine, Ill., has changed its name to Benefits Age. The firm, which has been selling benefits since 1989 …”Illinois Benefits Firm Changes Name

  • January 13, 2005 – PRNews Now

    Elenz & Associates, a leading provider of employee benefits packages for companies doing business in the Midwest, today unveiled their new corporate identity: Benefits Age…”Elenz Associates Matures to Benefits Age

  • July 2004 – Managed Care Magazine

    Tim Elenz in the news: “”I believe that what Eliott Spitzer is doing is a good thing and I hope it does spread across the country.”Going for Brokers: Spitzer Rides Again

  • September 2004 – FBIC

    Insurance Watchdog adds outspoken Elenz/Spitzer article to their website “”
    Going for Brokers: Spitzer Rides Again

  • May 2000 – Managed Care Magazine

    Tim Elenz: “Managed care companies have been hogs for the past 10 years…”
    “A guy from Aetna was just here trying to take me to play golf…”
    Like Stock Brokers, Are Health Care’s Middlemen Losing Influence?

  • December 2000 – SmartMoney Magazine

    Tim Elenz touting the future of high deductible plans…back in 2000.
    Setting Up a Health Care Plan on the Cheap


Elenz & Associates Announces Name Change to Benefits Age

Palatine, IL. Jan. 2, 2005– Elenz & Associates, a leading provider of employee benefits packages for companies doing business in the Midwest, today unveiled their new corporate identity: BENEFITS AGE. The new logo and company name change are effective immediately, and better reflect the insurance brokerage’s focus and future growth plans.

“The name ‘Benefits Age’ suggests a new era, which I believe we’ve entered,” says Tim Elenz, President. “Offering your employees health, dental, life, etc. isn’t so much about insurance as it is about the choice between the benefits you offer and the quality of your workforce.”

“We’ve been specializing in employee benefits for eighteen years,” Elenz continues, “and felt that our name should ultimately reflect that fact. The insurance industry is rife with Property and Casualty brokers and Life Insurance brokers who look to institutionalize their involvement in office administrations, then sell them on other lines of insurance they may know little or nothing about. Employee benefits is too complex a field to dabble in.”

The conversion to Benefits Age is accompanied by an updated logo and a redesigned website ( which features a comprehensive area devoted to the newest insurance plan design, the Health Savings Account (HSA).

“HSAs aren’t the silver bullet for the health care crisis, but they are a step in the right direction,” according to Jenny McGinnis, a Benefits Age broker specializing in small business accounts. “It’s a benefits decision that boils down to the question, ‘Would you rather hand the money to the insurance company or straight to your employees?’ Tax-free deposits earning tax-free interest with tax-free withdrawals. For businesses with a relatively young, relatively healthy workforce, and low turnover, the HSA makes a lot of sense.”

About Benefits Age:
Recognized as one of the leading employee benefits specialists in the Midwest, Benefits Age has been providing group benefits since 1989 to companies ranging from small family owned businesses to large national corporations.


Asta Draksaite
Director of Marketing
847-397-5304 (fax)


  • Hauptquelle:

    Tim Elenz, Präsident des Nutzens altern, eine Pfalz, Illinois, Versicherungsmakler, indossiert stark das Konzept des Gebens von Leutesteuerung ihrer eigenen Gesundheitobacht Dollar…Handhaben deines Gesundheit Sparkontos


  • 2007 – JUEVES 25 de agosto (HealthDayNews/HispaniCare)

    Tim Elenz, presidente de Benefits Age, corredor de seguros de Palatine, Illinois, recomienda con vehemencia el concepto de permitir que las personas controlen su propio dinero para el cuidado de la salud a través de las HSA. Pero también es recomienda a la gente con vehemencia que vayan al médico cuando les haga falta. Maneje su cuenta de ahorros de salud

  • Japan

  • Management of your healthy ordinary deposit & saving account

    Tim Elenz ages in concept of offer of people controls of dollar of insurance mediation human of Palatine and Illinois state and their itself health care which endorses strongly by the president HSAs of advantage. When those need in the doctor, but in order to meet, he being the promising people and is large. Japanese Translation