Was your plan cancelled when ObamaCare rolled out? You may just qualify for an exemption.

How many people are actually eligible for Medicaid?

10 Facts You Need to Know About ObamaCare

ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act is up and running. Even with all the press that this reform has been given, there is still a lot of information that is unknown. Today, we want to share with you 10 facts about ObamaCare that you may not know.

  1. The Goal of ObamaCare
    This quote from the direct source is perfect at answering what the goal of ObamaCare is,
  2. “ObamaCare’s goal is to give more Americans access to affordable, quality health insurance, and to reduce the growth in health care spending in the U.S.” ~ ObamaCareFacts.com

  3. In 2014, You Can Go 3 Months without Insurance to Avoid a Fee
    It’s called the “short coverage gap” exemption. This exemption allows for any American to go 3 months without insurance. All you have to do is get covered by mid-March and you won’t have to pay the fee.
  4. The Hardship Exemption
    If your health plan was cancelled when ObamaCare was enacted, you may qualify for a hardship exemption. According to ObamaCareFacts.com, this means that “you won’t have to pay the fee if you decide to go without insurance and will qualify for a low premium, high out-of-pocket catastrophic plan on your State’s health insurance marketplace.”
  5. You May Qualify For Free or Low-Cost Health Insurance
    You may qualify for free or low-cost health insurance if you make under a certain amount. Individuals who make less than $45,960 a year and family of 4 making less than $94,200 will likely qualify for help in paying for the health insurance costs.
  6. Increased Eligibility for Medicaid
    15 million children, women and men are all now eligible for Medicaid through ObamaCare.
  7. Preventive Healthcare Services
    Over 54 million people with private health plans now have access to preventive health care services. To find out what those services are, please see:
  8. “Pre-Existing” Condition is a thing of the past
    1 in every 2 Americans has what had been called a pre-existing condition. These Americans will no longer be denied health care coverage.
  9. You Can Have Coverage by the 1st of the Month
    If you want to have coverage by the first of the month, you only need to sign up for health insurance by the 15th of the prior month.
  10. No Longer Uninsured
    Over 10 million Americans who were once uninsured will not have total access to health care.
  11. Small Business and Tax Credits
    If you own a small business, you may qualify for a tax credit. That credit could be up to 50% of your employees’ health insurance premium.


If you have any questions about ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act, please call Benefits Age today. We are here to help.

847-397-5300 or toll free 800-317-0181, ext. #306

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