It is kind of getting funny isn’t it? ACA now AHCA Obamacare vs Trump-care. You have to watch all the news stations a couple times a day to see what is going on. Reports are that the President told Republican lawmakers that they may not be re elected if they don’t vote for the repeal bill or should I say the starter repeal bill now billing introduced. I think I would rather be a Republican Senator right now instead of a Democrat. The Democrats are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. But if they vote for the bill they are sure to have a Democratic primary challenger. if they don’t vote for it, the Republicans are sure to run a challenger against them. You have a number of outer space Congressman that just hate President Trump and don’t care what it is they will vote against anything he proposes. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is in a pickle because he has to play the anti Trump guy regardless, although he was a huge recipient of Trump cash and considered a friend before politics came into play. So why doesn’t Senator Schumer call the President and work something out like adults usually do? Can it be that he is afraid of the lunatics on the far left the truth? He is afraid that crazy people will be outside his office protesting him? Does he realize that most of those protesters didn’t vote the last election? The ACA is broken and needs to be fixed. Whether it needs to be totally repealed or not is for lawmakers to figure out. Let’s not forget that President Obama sat with President Trump and asked for the President to consider two things:
- to allow children to stay on their parents plan until age 26; and
- to keep the preexisting medical condition provision so no one can be denied
Both were written into the new bill. In fact to go a step further President Obama asked that President Trump consider that the dreamers stay in this country and not be targeted and so far so good. So the point is that two people that were considered bitter enemies can sit down, agree to disagree and come to agreement in what is good for America.
Americans would be best advised to continue cleaning house next election which is about 18 months away. They need to ask themselves “is this man or woman acting in the best interest of America or are they for sale to the highest bidder?
Tim Elenz
“Medical insurance is our specialty”
800-317-0181 ext. 306
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