Understanding Annuities in Life Insurance Contracts Annuities are financial products that can provide a steady income stream, typically used for retirement planning. In the context of life insurance, an annuity can be an integral part of managing long-term financial security. Here’s what you need to know about how annuities function within life insurance contracts. What… Read more »
Posts By: admin
Navigating the Haze: Life Insurance for Marijuana Smokers vs. Non-Smokers
With the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana over the years, a huge societal attitude and those within the insurance industry have indeed changed. One of the key differences, however, is how life insurance companies view marijuana users compared to non-users. These, therefore, are important differences for actual and prospective policyholders who are currently engaging in… Read more »
Life insurance Term vs. Permanent
The understanding of the difference between term and permanent life insurance can set you in place to know your financial goals and needs before making any choice. Both are reviewed below. Term Life Insurance – Definition: Term life insurance pays a death benefit only if you die during the time, or term, of the policy,… Read more »
Travel insurance Pro’s and Con’s
Travel insurance becomes part of the trip’s preparation, bringing calmness and financial security in unforeseen cases. Below, there is a list of the main advantages and disadvantages to buy travel insurance: Pros 1. Medical Coverage: This provides for the medical costs that will be incurred abroad, which is very essential since most of the insurance… Read more »
Understanding the Difference: Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage
As Medicare recipients, we spend most of our time feeling confused. Confused while on the phone with Medicare, confused when submitted claims take forever to process, and confused when the whole system seems to have racked up a hefty chunk of change on your behalf. For all these reasons and more, sorting through your coverage… Read more »
Drug reform on the way
Whether you like President Trump or not, you have to give him credit for moving things forward. The man does have guts and does not bow down to political pressure from corporate lobbyists and other special interest groups. Unbelievable the pace of the current Administration getting things done. One thing about electing a business person… Read more »
Medical Insurance Today
I have been in the group medical insurance business for over 25 years. I have seen dozens of companies come and go throughout my career. I have seen rates go up and have seen rates go down, plans change and employer groups move to different insurance companies sometimes every year. Employers buying insurance like consumers… Read more »
Medical Insurance Bites The Dust
As the old story goes “as Rome burned Nero fiddled” so what has been done to fix the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare. Nothing. Well President Trump ended a long and costly court battle that the Obama administration started by subsidizing insurance programs through executive order. Federal courts had already ruled that the order… Read more »
President Trump’ Executive Orders On Health Care
President Trump’ Executive Orders On Health Care is very interesting as it seems to be more strategic than anything else. He brought to Congress ideas on how to fix the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Democrats stood united as a “NO”. On the other side of the aisle the Republicans look like clowns getting… Read more »
Pre-existing condition myth
Sometimes watching the media and the social media is like the reruns of Monty Python’s Flying circus. The elected officials on both local and national levels have no clue on what they are talking about, especially in regards to the American health care system. So I finally saw an interview of someone who understands the… Read more »