Well we are down to one hundred and thirty pages we are told. A lot of simplification of the nine hundred or twenty seven hundred pages and the thirty thousand pages of regulatory aftermath. I think what a lot of folks don’t understand is that there are only certain things that can be changed without 60 votes in the Senate. The problem with changing the Affordable Care Act a.ka. Obama Care is that you need 60 votes to make major changes. The budget reconciliation process has limits to what can and cannot be accomplished. Since the mid term election is less then two years away and the Democrats are on up in 25 of the 33 Us Senate races there is little chance of any Democrats voting for a replacement of Obama Care. Can you imagine a Senator voting for a Republican backed bill and the far left people protesting outside their offices. The possibility of an incumbent getting a primary challenger? Just another very good argument for term limits. But little question from anyone that Obama Care needs to be tweaked going forward. Those on the Far Left will say that we need to expand to single payer system and the Far Right will say repeal and start over. Both scenarios are highly unlikely. What is important is that there is a proposal on the table and it is being discussed. I love it as the news media is attacking it from both sides but the chances are that it will look completely different then it does today.Remember that the news media makes money on ratings that produce high paying sponsors (commercials) so it is in there best interest to keep the conflict a live. So what happens now? The proposed bill get sliced and diced there are backroom deals that have nothing to do with whats good for the American people and something gets through. Something needs to get done very soon because 33 Senators and all of Congress are up for re election next year. I fact campaigning starts in September with State requiring filing. Politicians typically like to work on thing right away because they think the voters have short memories. This time is an exception, because protesters are a live and well and shown they are willing to force their agenda at all costs.
So let the slicing and dicing begin and let’s figure out what is best for the America people
Tim Elenz
“Medical insurance is our specialty”
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